This is not the full pupils’ curriculum, and it is subject to change, to fit demand and need. See FAQs for updates. Do you believe digital literacy is an important entitlement for all young people in an increasingly digital culture? The coding sessions will equip children and young people with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will help them to take a full and active part in social, cultural, economic, civic and intellectual life now and in the future. So, to be digitally literate is to have access to a broad range of resources enabling its application to digital tools. The digital literacy is the beginning of digital culture, now explore and create with digital coding; beyond App or website development, apply coding to machine learning, nanotech development or space exploration.
This digital culture is the ability to make and share meaning in different modes and formats. Together with, the ability to create, collaborate and communicate effectively and to understand how and when digital technologies can best be used to support these processes, for sustainability.
A big welcome to All! We are BuzzCoding and together we will introduce the staff and pupils in their individual cohorts. Join me in welcoming everyone in your cohort and the tutors. This is an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the dashboard and pupils forum. Post your question on the forum for all to share. Above all, enjoy your time at the sessions coding.
A coding course for beginners, during these 4 week period, you will learn the html foundation, following the introduction to digital literacy. At the end of the course, you will apply your learnings and submit a project.
In this session, you will learn and discover how to us css coding in forms or other web application.
A session for beginners and its application in everyday digital use and its role in web development. Submit an approve project at the end of this session.
A session on PHP coding for beginners and its application in everyday digital use. Its role in web development. The pupil will submit a project at the end of this session.
A coding session in Python for beginners and its application in everyday digital use, especially, its role in web development. The pupil is required to submit a project at the end of this session.
A coding session in Ruby Pi for beginners and its application in everyday digital use. Its role in web development. All pupils are required to submit a project at the end of this session.
A session in exploration of open source for beginners. Here, pupils will learn collaborative process and its application in everyday tech industry. Pupil are required to apply what they have learnt in a project, at the end of the session.
Pupils will revise all they have learnt, in digital coding sessions with their tutors.
You got to the final week because you persevered. Well done, this last four weeks, you will receive help with your CV (if applicable), explore internship and career options.